
Posts Tagged ‘Sudan’

Fareed Zakaria, Editor, Newsweek International...

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Fareed Zakaria – Rising powers need to rise up

Some food for thought from Fareed Zakaria.  As the rest rise, how will they be socialized to new roles in the international system?  Arguably, the U.S. had a century of British tutelage to prepare for its period of dominance.

The newly rising powers — China, India, Brazil — rightly insist that they be more centrally involved in the structures of power and global decision making. But when given the opportunity, do they step up to the plate and act as great powers with broad interests? On trade? Energy use? Climate change?

No. Many of these countries want to be deferred to on matters of regional peace and stability. Yet they continue to pursue their national interests even more zealously. Perhaps the most egregious example is South Africa, which insists that it is Africa‘s natural leader. Yet the country has been shamefully absent in the efforts to rescue the people of Zimbabwe and Sudan from the tragedies unfolding in their lands.

Chalk up one more example of the institutional inferiority of international politics.

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